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I had actually partied at Lake Tahoe in an amazing orgy of drugs, sex, and rock-and-roll … I had been fucked completely in the ass several times; when by my friend’s giant horse dick; and I thoroughly fucked some really hot babes – in public even; all in the very same carnal night. I felt fantastic …

After that absolutely screwed up; drugged up night, I hitchhiked directly back home from California.

As an experienced hitchhiker now, I right away comprehended that the pornography magazines on the front seat were an invite to make love with me –

The occurrence with a whacked-out weirdo on my way to Tahoe had actually likewise made me a little hesitant about weird sex with individuals choosing me up and, the truth was that my asshole was throbbing and still sore from getting fucked and I was afraid that another dick pounding my extended asshole may actually do me damage …

I was actually worried about ruining my asshole. I was a bit fearful of my own perverted response to sex now. I seemed to have actually crossed the line between my porn novel dream world and reality.

I could imagine me letting some wacko tie me up, fuck me and possibly trigger me permanent damage (or death, I suppose. I truly didn’t think of that).

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However, although I shuddered at the memories of my fuckings, my difficult cock still pulsated and ached as I hitchhiked home.

I was a servant to my dick.

So, when a truck driver chose me up and had the unavoidable hardcore porn on the seat, I selected it up and read it – my cock pulsing in my cut off denims.

I wasn’t using any underclothing, as usual.

The truck driver didn’t lose any time or niceties as he observed my penis tenting my shorts and my shivering hands turning the pages of the homo male porn mags … He saw me glancing at him out of the corner of my eye as I thumbed through obscene cum-filled photos of men fucking and sucking …

” Take off your clothing,” he said as he drove down the highway.

I simply complied, stripping even as I inwardly cursed myself for being such a submissive dick and concerned about what I was doing to myself.

” Lay back and play with your asshole,” the trucker said when I naked.

I leaned back against the door once again, spread my legs and opened the cheeks of my ass dealing with the motorist.

Shivering and scared, I stuck my finger carefully up my wide open rectum liquid and still hot from previous fuckings and I began to fuck myself, my hand rubbing on my ass cheeks and thighs.

My asshole burned, but it felt loose and stretched. It was so hot to my touch and I included another finger and fucked my own aching asshole, moaning, debasing myself in front of this stranger.

” Ohhhhh, yeah, fuck,” I moaned to myself, jerking my stiff penis as I fucked myself in the hot, secondhand ass for this man’s pleasure.

God. It felt so excellent. I wished to be a cunt whore with guys pushing their cocks up my ass over and over once again, filling me with cum till it put down my legs from my completely creamed asshole.

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I wanted to get fucked once again …

The trucker pulled into a rest stop and informed me, “Get your shorts and t-shirt on and follow me.”

I did what he told me and jumped out of the truck. Rather of going to the restrooms, he strolled the other method, towards the picnic locations and the woods. There were other truckers hanging out there, obviously eating or simply talking and he picked up a moment in the middle of the picnic location. He deliberately shoved his hand down the back of my shorts, squeezing my ass cheeks and after that pulled my shorts halfway down my ass, exposing my ass crack and making my hard-on thrust outwards, barely covered in the front.

I looked and shivered down at the ground at this public humiliation. God, I could not think what a silly horny fucker I was.

The trucker led me into the woods to a spot where there were large rocks on and in the ground that could be used to climb or sit … The litter on the ground was some utilized underclothing and condoms.

The trucker pulled off my t-shirt and shoved my shorts down.

” Get out of those,” he stated as he unbuttoned his pants, opened his zipper and took out his fat cock.

I stepped out of my shorts and he right away got me, pushed me to my knees and shoved his fat cock into my mouth. I gagged as he rammed his dick full force into my throat and immediately began fucking my face. He pounded in and out of my mouth, bruising my lips and throat for a couple of minutes as I struggled to accommodate him up until he suddenly pulled out and said, “Get up and reverse.”

Oh fuck no, I thought. I was panting and gasping for air as I had no choice however to do what he wanted. As I followed him, reversed and bent my naked body over somewhat, I saw that there were several men now collected around, watching.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!” I shouted as, without any preparation, the trucker opened up the worlds of my ass and rammed his fat dick into my bottom …

I bent over to the ground, groaning with pain as he knocked his thick rod in and out of my ass, fucking me savagely, fast and tough . I was once again lost in a overall haze of burning erotic discomfort as my young, 18 years of age naked ass was fucked for the home entertainment of a lot of strangers.

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